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Crossfire Hurricane

Finally, official confirmation that Barack Obama and CIA Director Brennan knew that Hillary Clinton may have been behind the plan to vilify presidential candidate Donald Trump with the scandal in July 2016. Subsequently Jim Comey and Peter Strzok were forwarded an investigative referral for the “Russian Collusion” plan that they knew was described as approved by Hillary Clinton in September 2016.

Unclassified letter from the Senate Judiciary Committee dated Sept. 29, 2020:

You know those little blinking white lights in the night sky? Look Closer.

Caldwell 4, The Cat’s Eye Nebula
Caldwell 34, the Veil Nebula
Caldwell 77, Centaurus A
Caldwell 15, the “Blinking Planetary”

These images are Hubble Telescope photos from the Nasa Caldwell Catalog. The catalog was composed by Sir Patrick Moore as additional cosmic wonders for amateur astronomers to explore. From the text on “Moore’s Caldwell catalog includes celestial bodies that are found in both the northern and southern skies. The catalog consists of 46 star clusters, 35 galaxies and 28 nebulas, adding up to 109 objects.” and, “From nearby clouds of gas and dust that are left over from dying stars to remote galaxies that formed billions of years ago, the Caldwell catalog is brimming with surprising celestial treats.”

Link to the Caldwell Catalog page:

How not to keep a Millionaire on house arrest

Carlos Ghosn. Photo from BBC News.

Bullet Train to Osaka, Piano case by private jet to Istanbul, New Year’s Eve in Lebanon? Doesn’t get much better than this!

After a year in jail and house arrest awaiting charges for financial misconduct, 65 year-old Carlos Ghosn, former “Mr. Fixit”, Renault/Nissan boss, 2002 Asia Businessman of the Year and former CEO of Michelin, Renault, Nissan and chairman of Mitsubishi Motors apparently took a powder and skipped his 1B Yen bail after finding out that his second trial in Tokyo had been delayed until April, 2021.

He says that he can now speak to the media which he will start doing this week.

Mr. Ghosn is of Lebanese descent and appears on a Lebanese postage stamp. Lebanon has no extradition treaties with Japan.

Link to BBC News story:

Link to CNBC story:–kyodo.html

Link to Reuters story:

Early Gun Safety Skills

This is the earliest known photo of the young artist with a firearm. Notice advanced muzzle awareness and trigger control, sylish bowtie all the while keeping a watchful eye out for dangerous neighborhood animals. Not bad for a 2 year old! Also note attentive supervision from no other than my own dear father, age 26.

Portrait of the young designer

Here’s a photo of me at my drawing board in the Planning and Design department at Cedar Point about 1979 or 1980. This was taken by one of the Toledo Blade photographers for a behind the scenes Blade article by Don Wolfe. I would credit the photographer but don’t recall his name.